Oct 28, 2018

The Top Health Benefits of Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric and Black Pepper are nature’s lethal weapons against a host of diseases.  The ingredients 'Curcumin' in Turmeric and 'Piperine' in Black Pepper are what make them so powerful. By including these spices in our diet, we can keep several diseases at bay.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric has several medicinal properties. The main ingredient Curcumin is anti-inflammatory and is an antioxidant. Inflammation that is chronic can give rise to several problems, from heart disease and brain degeneration to cancer. By its powerful anti-inflammatory activity, curcumin can prevent the onset of these diseases. 

Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant. Oxidative damage  becomes a breeding ground for several diseases and can accelerate ageing. Curcumin protects cells and tissues from oxidative damage and stress.

Turmeric stimulates and boosts the body's immune system which defends the body from illnesses, and is also anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It is also beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation in people with arthritis.

With such vast health benefits, turmeric is a top spice in nature’s list of antibiotics.

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

If you thought Black pepper is good only for seasoning and flavor, think again! Black pepper has numerous health benefits. It boosts digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. The ‘hot’ nature of black pepper causes a rise in metabolic activity thereby aiding digestion and preventing gas formation. 

Black Pepper

Black pepper contains Piperine that can restrict rapid memory impairment and cognitive decline in the elderly by raising dopamine and serotonin levels. This is helpful for Alzheimer’s patients. Apart from boosting brain health, piperine is a virus-killer, thereby acting as an effective natural remedy for viral cold & flu infections.


Black pepper is unique in that it boosts the optimal absorption of other nutrients in the body. This is termed as bio-availability. The best example is turmeric. Turmeric on its own is poorly or partially absorbed by the body but when combined with black pepper; its absorption gets a big boost. Black pepper is known to increase the bio-availability of turmeric by nearly 1000%. 

Turmeric + Black Pepper = A powerful natural antibiotic 

A Word of Caution

Though turmeric and black pepper are loaded with benefits, moderation in consumption is necessary. A pinch or less than a pinch of turmeric is all you need and pepper, even lesser. In small doses, these spices are harmless and can extend numerous health benefits.  

If consumed in large doses and over a long period of time, turmeric can cause blood thinning to harmful levels, exacerbate gallstones problems in those who suffer from it, and affect heart functioning and rhythm. Black pepper on the other hand can increase stomach acid, causing acidity, bloating and increase in body heat. 

Hence, it is important to research how much quantity is safe to consume, considering existing health conditions and to seek expert medical advice before taking any supplements.

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