Oct 31, 2018

Water - The Elixir of Life

Water is the river on which 
good health flows. 

For optimal health, you should aim to drink at least 1.5-2.0 liters of water per day. Our body is constantly losing moisture due to breathing, skin evaporation, physical activity and through urine. Most people neglect drinking water and do so only when thirsty. 

When you feel thirsty, it is already a warning signal that you haven’t drunk water for a long time; long enough to border on dehydration and that you must urgently replenish your water stock.

The human body is composed of about 60% water

Water is needed by every organ of the body and is critical for eliminating toxins which by itself prevents a large number of infections and diseases. Water is like the plumbing system of the body. Every time you drink a glass of water, you are flushing your body of toxins and wastes. Water helps in maintaining body temperature, nourishes the digestive system and helps with optimal blood circulation. 

Here are the illnesses that can be prevented or kept in check by merely drinking sufficient quantity of water.

Benefits of Drinking Water

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